Prüfung AD0-E711 – Adobe Commerce Developer Professional aktualisert

Prüfung AD0-E711 – Adobe Commerce Developer Professional aktualisert

Realexam hat die neusten Prüfungsfragen zu AD0-E711 veröffentlicht. Hier erhalten Sie die neusten Prüfungsfragen zu Adobe Commerce Developer Professional und erfährst, wie Sie am besten studieren und wie Sie die Prüfung AD0-E711 bestehen. Die Prüfungsfragen und -Antworten der Zertifizierungsprüfung werden von unseren langjährigen erfahrenen und zertifizierten Experten sorgfältig bearbeitet. Mit der aktuellsten Prüfungsfragen zu AD0-E711 legen Sie die Prüfung beim ersten Versuch erfolgreich ab.

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1. What order operation is available in the My Account section in the storefront?

2. There are two different configurable products which both share one variation. The shared variation is represented by the same simple product.

A customer added both configurables to the cart with the same selected variation?

How will they be displayed?

3. What happens when a category’s is_anchor attribute is set to 1?

4. The module MyCompany_MyModule will add a new page in the admin interface to display a custom entity in a grid.

You created a controller for this grid MyCompanyMyModuleControllerAdminhtmlCustomEntityIndex

Which two actions are required to make the new page accessible at the URL? (Choose two.)

5. You have configured an event observer to watch the checkout_submit_all_after event using this XML:

What is the required class definition for the event observer?

6. A module MyModule needs to send notifications to customers only when the account was modified from a mobile app using the REST web APIs.

You decided to implement an observer for customer_save_after_data_object event.

In which file do you declare the observer?

7. You want to declare a block of the type MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate with a template named view.phtml in the layout XML.

What is the correct layout declaration for this?

8. Where do you change the frontName for the admin router?

9. You are adding a child node to the block using the XML:

How will this block be rendered?

10. Magento allows you to specify custom values per store for product attributes created in the admin panel.

Which architectural pattern makes it possible?


Um weitere Fragen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung auf AD0-E711 zu erhalten, können Sie eine PDF-Datei bei Realexam kaufen.


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